In Sapa, Vietnam

In Sapa, Vietnam

About Me

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Sharing time between Southampton and Noyal-Muzillac in southern Brittany. Sports coach, gardener, hockey player, cyclist and traveller. I studied an MA in Management and Organisational Dynamics at Essex University in 2016-17. Formerly an Operations Manager with NEC Technologies (UK) Ltd.

Friday, 20 February 2015

Working Life

Swimming today:  1.25km

It's five years this week since I finished work at NEC. 

Of course, looking back at it now I feel as if really it's five years since I started work. As if somehow the time when I used to go to the same place every day and spent most of my time sitting down, talking to people and wielding a keyboard wasn't really working. 

It goes without saying that my former colleagues might agree that I wasn't really working during that time either ;o)

Certainly I do feel as if I've learnt much more in the last five years than in the previous five, I've spent the time working with my hands and my head and I've had to work out so many things from "first principles". 

At NEC I typically was in the office from about 8.30 until 6. And now our working days typically start at about 8.30 and we usually finish at apéro time .... at about 6, I've lost the 30 minutes drive each way and gained being outside pretty much all the time. 

I've lost just over a stone in weight and devised clever ways of manhandling huge deadweights of stone, wood and lime.

And at NEC I didn't get to watch the buzzards wheeling in the sky - as I did today.

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