There are a couple of interesting sights in the sky at the moment.
In the west just after the sun goes down Venus is a brilliant object, it's close to the less bright Mars the two will be almost in the same place on Sunday evening. Here's Venus in tonight's bright evening sky - Mars is very faint in the picture just above Venus:
Looking 180 degrees the other way at the same time Jupiter is brilliant and rising (here over the garden and barn lights):
In the west just after the sun goes down Venus is a brilliant object, it's close to the less bright Mars the two will be almost in the same place on Sunday evening. Here's Venus in tonight's bright evening sky - Mars is very faint in the picture just above Venus:
Looking 180 degrees the other way at the same time Jupiter is brilliant and rising (here over the garden and barn lights):
And in a still bright sky my good old friend Orion is very distinct:
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