Where were you on 12th November last year?
Did you read the Daily Express on that day with it's unique take on weather science?
If you missed it the headline was:
POLAR VORTEX WARNING: Latest winter weather models show UK faces MONTHS of heavy snow
Well, maybe I missed something, perhaps I've missed the MONTHS of heavy snow ..... or maybe it's just another example of cheap shock-horror journalism and bad science.
When we bought La Basse Cour Nicolas, the sales agent, said "The climate's nice here, it never snows. Well, not often".
So it was somehow appropriate that after the sale had gone through we had to battle through snow-covered Normandie on back roads (thanks only to the CRV's four-wheel drive) to collect the keys from Nicolas.
It snowed here in 2010, 2011 and 2012. The winters of 2012/3 and 2013/4 were wet and very wet respectively, Gérard put our roof on in temperatures of -8C in 2012 but said it was much, much worse in 1984 when he couldn't work for nearly three weeks - and if you've met Gérard you'll know what an anathema that would be to him.
In the summer it's lovely here but we do have winter weather. It catches out people who come here in the summer, love the area, buy a house and are shocked to find that, not only is there a winter here, almost everything shuts down and the locals disappear into their thick walled houses for whole weeks.
Fortunately we've had - and still have - too much work to do to be put off by a bit of weather.
The cats however get increasingly difficult to find unless you know the warmest places (do cats have inbuilt Infra-Red detectors .... ?). So today when a murky morning gave way to a cold, wet and windy day Jess
and Pip
headed for their favourite spots next to the Logburners.
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