In Sapa, Vietnam

In Sapa, Vietnam

About Me

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Sharing time between Southampton and Noyal-Muzillac in southern Brittany. Sports coach, gardener, hockey player, cyclist and traveller. I studied an MA in Management and Organisational Dynamics at Essex University in 2016-17. Formerly an Operations Manager with NEC Technologies (UK) Ltd.

Thursday, 21 May 2015


Walking Today:  3.8km
Swimming today: 1.15km


Moles caught today:   1 (Tim)

Moles caught Year to Date:  

Tim    1
Pip.    5


There's a group of drivers, mainly in the USA it must be said, who delight in extracting the last hundredth of a mile per gallon of economy out of their car. Search for "Hypermiling" and you'll find a rich world of websites, chat rooms, forums and blogs dedicated to detailed discussions on whether it's better to use cruise control or drive manually when going up a hill at 42mph and other such key questions of the day.

Not my scene really but I do have a weakness for economy driving despite the drawback of driving a car that weighs 1.75 tonnes. So I took a some delight in, for the first time, getting over 530 miles from a single tank of fuel (I could probably have got past 550 miles if I was feeling braver):

Jessica, my first old grey mini, weighed in at under half the weight of the CRV but with her 850cc engine derived from a design first produced in 1953 didn't do more than about 28 miles per gallon. Due to a faulty fuel gauge sensor seal her tank only held five gallons before petrol leaked out (safety standards were a bit more lax then .....) so her range was less than 150 miles. Various Fiestas got to the low 40's mpg but no previous vehicle I've owned has got over 50 mpg.

Gérard gets confused when he uses one of my retractable tape measures as it's marked in inches and centimetres, of course in the UK we still mix metric and imperial, so we buy fuel in litres but measure consumption in mpg.

So, to carry on that hopeless cross-contamination of units, fuel in France is €1.20 a litre, that's 81p a litre on current exchange rates so £3.68 per gallon and that's 7.3p a mile. Not bad I think ......

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