In Sapa, Vietnam

In Sapa, Vietnam

About Me

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Sharing time between Southampton and Noyal-Muzillac in southern Brittany. Sports coach, gardener, hockey player, cyclist and traveller. I studied an MA in Management and Organisational Dynamics at Essex University in 2016-17. Formerly an Operations Manager with NEC Technologies (UK) Ltd.

Monday, 13 April 2015

When the sun comes out

Walking Thursday: 3.9km
Cycling Thursday: 33.1km (along the towpath of the Canal de Nantes à Brest)

Walking Friday: 3.8km


The passengers on the plane groaned as one:

"The weather in Paris is overcast, the temperature at present is five degrees"

It had been 25 degrees in Hanoi as we left, it was 25 degrees in Singapore (at midnight) as we took off.

The weather in Brittany while we had been away had been cool and rainy, the grass wasn't knee high as we had feared it would be, the Spring hadn't sprung and, although the potatoes and broad beans had just pushed through, everything else looked more winter than Spring.

Then on Easter Sunday the sun came out with a cold easterly wind, the sun stayed for a week as the air slowly warmed up. And then today it got really warm and the temperature reached 25C for the first time this year. All of "l'hexagone" has the same weather today:

So, on the day that the temperature in Noyal-Muzillac reached that in Singapore it all proved too much for one of the Basse Cour team who had to take to his summer bed in the hangar:

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