.The Spring this year was mainly cool and damp, it wasn't until June that we really got any warm Summer weather. Not good weather for Butterflies to hatch, grow as caterpillars, pupate and hatch.
Since mid June we've had hardly any rain and it's been warm and frequently hot, the garden flowers have been spectacular (at least where we have managed to irrigate with water from the well). Perfect weather and conditions for Butterflies. And we've been rewarded with a spectacular show beautifully recorded in Barbara's photographs.
Not usually found in the British Isles this is a Map, second brood. An interesting insect as the first brood has completely different colours and markings. (On Dahlia) |
A perfect Red Admiral (on Dahlia) |
The Peacock has been seen frequently but is a difficult subject to capture (On Aster) |
My favourite, the Comma. I love the beautifully sculpted wings. (On Lavender) |
A stunning picture of a newly hatched second brood Swallowtail. (On Verbena) |
A slightly damaged Swallowtail was around the garden for a week and a half - missing an eye! (on Verbena) |
New sighting this year - a Painted Lady. This remarkable butterfly migrates to Africa in the Autumn covering 150km a day and overwinters in Morocco and Mali. (On Lavender) |
A Holly Blue (on Aster) |