Cycling Tuesday: 9.2km
Swimming Tuesday: 1.55km (62 lengths, new PB)
Walking Wednesday: 3.8km
Swimming Thursday: 0.9km
Walking Saturday: 2.6km
Crossing back to the UK in December before Christmas often means enduring some extreme (at least for us) weather; snow as in 2009 and 2010, rain in 2013 and a force 10 gale in 2012. The 2015 edition of the crossing also provided extreme, albeit in a different way, weather as we sat on the deck of the Pont Aven in the sun watching the Channel Islands slip by. December 18 yet sunny and 15 degrees, not normal.
We've still led a largely charmed life this Autumn as weather system after weather system has slipped by to the north of us and dumped rain on various parts of the U.K.
But in anticipation that this can't last for ever Gérard and his guys finished the roof on the Grange before we left: