In Sapa, Vietnam

In Sapa, Vietnam

About Me

My photo
Sharing time between Southampton and Noyal-Muzillac in southern Brittany. Sports coach, gardener, hockey player, cyclist and traveller. I studied an MA in Management and Organisational Dynamics at Essex University in 2016-17. Formerly an Operations Manager with NEC Technologies (UK) Ltd.

Sunday, 29 September 2013

New member joins the team at La Basse Cour

We have adopted the cat who joined us; really he decided to adopt us as often happens with cats .....

Here is Tenzing (Pip to his friends) with his new French passport:

Sunday, 15 September 2013

Dark Skies

One of the major differences about living here compared to our previous home in the UK is that we have clear and very dark skies. One of my "after the build is done" projects is to get a decent telescope.

In the meantime I'm limited to conventional photography - here's a picture of Saturn in yet another wonderfully clear evening sky (we've had lots this year).